Saturday, September 19, 2009

Healthcare and racism

In the attached adress to the nation about Obama's regards for Americas new health plan, I dont believe that the plans will be followed through. However the ideas in place ar ethat of decieving ones. About the racial issue it seems like the health care plans are directed at certain ethnicitys becasue it is in fact those particular ethnicites that are directly effected by the possible changes. Thsi is what I think causes Americans on the avarage level to have fear becasue the jeaoprody is amongst all whom are not of a social class.

Healthcare and racism

In the attached adress to the nation about Obama's regards for Americas new health plan, I dont believe that the plans will be followed through. However the ideas in place ar ethat of decieving ones. About the racial issue it seems like the health care plans are directed at certain ethnicitys becasue it is in fact those particular ethnicites that are directly effected by the possible changes. Thsi is what I think causes Americans on the avarage level to have fear becasue the jeaoprody is amongst all whom are not of a social class.

Friday, September 4, 2009

" Options to derail Obama's political agenda"

The good news for conservative thinkers is midterm elections are only 14 months away. Given the sad state of affairs in our economy and the fact the liklyhood of any recovery taking place in the next 14 months, the hope is Liberal legislators will be replaced by Conservative legislators there by reducing or eliminating Obama's effectivness.

This particular strategy will nuetralize Obama making his last 2 years in office completly ineffective, not allowing him to pass his social agendas.

We would hope that in 2012 a more conservastive mainstream individual would be elected to lead our country in the direction our original founding fathers intended.

"Obama takes page from Carter Administration"

As we learn in school that history repeats its self, look no further than the Obama administration. His weak Foriegn policy and economic socilism will put America back in the same situation post president Carter. Obama's inability to strongly support Isreal and speak out against Islamic Terrorism will lead to the same instability in the middle east as we had during the Carter administration. Also Obama's mis management of domestic economic policy is going to lead us down the path of higher taxes, hyper inflation, and skyrocketing interest rates.

The Road reminised by baby boomers is not that of a dream but rather a nightmare, have we already forgotten mistakes already made?

"The Suppression of America's foundation"

America's foundation, defined as freedom of speech, capitol markets, and free interprise.

Obama has is suppressing America's freedom of speech by; Appointing the FCC commissioner that is trying to kill free speech on the radios etc. is proposing to tax at a 100% rate of income and destribut ethe money to public radio in order to, in their words, "allow everyones voice to be heard." This obviously is an attempt to suppress conservative talk radio and allowig only liberal voices to be heard.

Another example of this is how Obama is carring many Liberal Elite in his back pocket by I.E. Simon Malls will no longer carry or distribute any parafinalia opposing Obama, Which is also a hinderance on freedom of speech.

"The Bait"

This blog is titled the bait, refering to Obama's political campaign and th emany promises that have been made and already broken.

Transparency, Barack promised government transparency to Americans by allowing the common citizen access to full disclosure of the process and means by which the federal government governs, inacts legislation and operates it's buisness affairs.

Barack has also promised no taxes on the middle class, I.E. any one making under 250,000.00$ but with the presidents approval and the passage of the cap and trade legislation every American no matter the level of income will be taxed through the consumption of any form of energy. The healthcare legislation currently being debated in the house of representatives would also increase healthcare cost, perscription drugs and general medical care fo revery American.

These are just a couple of examples of broken campaign promises that have justified my deterimining him as a wolf in sheeps clothing.

To kick things off!

My intial Blog, I think is more of an informative. Although most of my politcal preferences are that of a conservative nature I am open minded. I appreciate others opinions and have great use in hearing others express there opinions. That being said, blogs and even vocal conversations about politics however impersonal usually tend to become very personal. I would like to set straight that I am a very kind and giving person, I have friends and family whom I adore.

Its hard for me to state an opinion because I am so blunt and that comes off as brash or harsh because I dont "sweeten" things I just say them. I am Conservative, I dont agree with the direction healthcare is headed in becasue I have always worked very hard for everything I have. Ifyou want things in life I feel it's your responsibility to earn them and do what it takes to achieve what ever it is you desire. Standing on your own two feet is the only way to insure your survival, To many people leaning on others and reaching for handouts is one of the biggest down falls of America.

I do Understand that some people have critical deficits be it age or other things that hinder their own monetary productions, and yes it is ok for them to ask for help, but handing it out so freely causes extreme debts and ultimatly a nations loss of financial indepence.