Friday, September 4, 2009

"The Bait"

This blog is titled the bait, refering to Obama's political campaign and th emany promises that have been made and already broken.

Transparency, Barack promised government transparency to Americans by allowing the common citizen access to full disclosure of the process and means by which the federal government governs, inacts legislation and operates it's buisness affairs.

Barack has also promised no taxes on the middle class, I.E. any one making under 250,000.00$ but with the presidents approval and the passage of the cap and trade legislation every American no matter the level of income will be taxed through the consumption of any form of energy. The healthcare legislation currently being debated in the house of representatives would also increase healthcare cost, perscription drugs and general medical care fo revery American.

These are just a couple of examples of broken campaign promises that have justified my deterimining him as a wolf in sheeps clothing.

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