Friday, September 4, 2009

To kick things off!

My intial Blog, I think is more of an informative. Although most of my politcal preferences are that of a conservative nature I am open minded. I appreciate others opinions and have great use in hearing others express there opinions. That being said, blogs and even vocal conversations about politics however impersonal usually tend to become very personal. I would like to set straight that I am a very kind and giving person, I have friends and family whom I adore.

Its hard for me to state an opinion because I am so blunt and that comes off as brash or harsh because I dont "sweeten" things I just say them. I am Conservative, I dont agree with the direction healthcare is headed in becasue I have always worked very hard for everything I have. Ifyou want things in life I feel it's your responsibility to earn them and do what it takes to achieve what ever it is you desire. Standing on your own two feet is the only way to insure your survival, To many people leaning on others and reaching for handouts is one of the biggest down falls of America.

I do Understand that some people have critical deficits be it age or other things that hinder their own monetary productions, and yes it is ok for them to ask for help, but handing it out so freely causes extreme debts and ultimatly a nations loss of financial indepence.

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